Used for tea, more benefits with antioxidants, fight information Lower Blood pressure Lower cholesterol Lower Blood fat Promotes weight loss, promotes liver health and many more.
Dandelion is a handy perennial that can grow height of nearly 12inches, they are rich source of bet carotene ,and protect against chronic disease.
It's a herbs that used in many dishes, and medicinal uses ,easy to grow
Is a species of flowering plant in the family Apiaceae, eaten flesh stalk in salads, smooth, in soup .
It is a medical plant.
Used in salads.
Herbs that you can use in cooking, pestol ,eaten in salads.
Used in salads dresing and many more Easy to grow.
Is a cultivar of ocimum basilica, used like normal basil,great taste flavor.
This basil very good for making pesto,it can be used to flavor soups,stews, marinated, or as a ganish for salad and pizza. Easy to grow Summer planting.