Trellis, very productive, easy to grow, sweet and juicy.
Trellis; very productive, great in salads.
Trellis: pear shaped with sweet taste, very productive.
Trellis. A rare and unique tomatillo variety having large, elongated, yellow colored fruits with a sweet flavour as compared with standard tomatillo's. This variety originated in the town of Malinalco, Mexico and until recently, was almost unknown in the rest of the world.
Trellis: high yielding, very tasty, excellent in salads.
They are big and have yellowish - white flesh when mature and make a nice color contrast .It is mild and sweet with high sugar about low acidity, maintains good texture, and flavor . 85 days to start harvesting ,indeterminate
Tall and tough variety with trusses. Light red pear-shaped fruit. Good with salad, sandwiches, soups.
Is a beefsteak tomato with an indeterminate (vine) that produces large, heavy fruit t,perfect for use in all dishes . It has a rich flavor with low acidity.
It is a member of nightshade family of plants just as tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes, the fruit flavour is a mix of cherry crossed with tomato. Sowing :Spring
Very productive. Flavour rich and sweet, full well-rounded lingering after taste Flower six to twelve trusses. Summer growing.
Loads of plum shaped black fruit streaked with green, orange and red. Trusses six to ten. Long harvest period.
Large fruit with superb flavor ,with pink skin and pink red flesh, Need support, Sowing spring, 80days to start harvest.
Long, very juicy.
Black beauty, easy to grow, juicey and sweet flavorful
Indigo Cherry drops are deep, rosy-red with a black-purple cast that is bursting with sweet flavor ,Is a vigorously indeterminate yield and flavor are much improved, with more cluster Indeterminate.
The tomatoes are huge weight 280-454gr ,with large heart shaped fruits, the taste is intense and complex the fruits have a thick meaty flesh with little juice.
Pear shaped ,high yield, easy to grow.
Big round shape,uniform bright red color, significant hadness, they can weight 160g -200g.
Unusual large,beautiful glowing orange beafsteak tomato, easy to grow, meaty deliciously sweet. the fruit can be 400g-800g.
Produce very large, mottled brown and green stripes and it's high yield of large beefsteak tomato, the flesh of this esteemed slicer tomato a strong, rich non acidic flavor . Sowing:Aug to Jan
Mixed variety of tomatoes
Pale yellow cherries are delicious, and growon some of largest clusters khnow!sweet fruit is oval, each with a tiny "beak"at the blossom end,the flavor is good, 7days to start harvest.
Determine ,Dwarf plant produce heavy yield mediumandlarge,heart shaped, purple black,tomatoes with deep Crimson flesh with delicious well balanced flavor, 70 days
The. Tomato fruit that ripen to a deep burgundy colour with dark green stripes Spring sowing 80days harvest
These tomatoes produce a large number of small oval shaped fruits with dark green shoulder, Spring sowing, 80days to harvest
Extra-drwarf bush plants ,the plants are wildly prolific, offering oodles of orange orbs that burst with fruity sweet flavor. perfectly sized for growing in pots and in a small space. No needsupport 15_25cm high. Determine. Sowing spring.
Black icicle tomato are thick walled burgundy, -brown fruits, about four ounces, with an oblong shape and tapered in size, the taste profile of a Beefsteak tomato, with sweet, rich,and earthy flavor. Very productive.
Dwarf tomato is a richly colored dark ,tender and very juicy purple flesh.Delicioudly balanced flavor, vigorous and compact tree like plant regular rugosa foliage .
Produce nice big size of cherry tomatoes, sweet flavor, very productive.
It's a kind of black plum tomatoes, however they are not the same, plant are smaller and the fruit are also smaller, very productive 6-8 cluster, fantastic in salads and snacking.
Their average weight 500g, with good care can reach upto 1kg,they are medium-had,dense the skin doesn't crak, their color is nice pink and the taste, excellent.
Purple tomatillio is fruity and truly sweet _tart, with citrus flavors of lemon and lime and sub-acid flavors of plum and pear ,good for jam ,in salads, snacks.
A very interesting looking Tomato resembling brains or clumps of small radom Tomato pieces attached to make one Tomato, this Tomato created by Philippe Rommens . The taste of Phil's one is crisps and fruity,with a slight acidic note,juicy a firm texture . Sem determined growing ,high yield
The colouring is stunning start of green and quickly turn black purple from where it rippens to combination of half red and black yo more fuller red,more clusters. Indeterminate approximately 1.5m
Large,meat, solid fruit, slightly and global shaped.mid flavorful for salad and table uses Sem determined growing.